Tyler Perry used his inner survivor skills to cope as an abused child by being creative, turning into his inner happy child persona. Tyler Perry said males don't speak up about incidents of child and sexual abuse as often as females. There's too much shame in making a confession. Sexual and child abuse does occur in the male population, and with young male teenagers. Tyler Perry had to work on repairing the emotional damage inflicted on him as a child. I started using my gift for words as a young child, writing and creating verbal imagery of perfect families and perfect love to block out the cruel reality in my life... continue reading with the cite below
Abuse can leave a big effect on any individual. It can lead to horrible flash backs and emotional stress. I believe when someone is abused as a child it sticks to them for the rest of there lives. Its not something that could be changed, they will always live with the abuse. The abuse that Tyler Perry recieved was neglect, physical, and sexual. He explains that it is hard to talk about because he is a male. Most of the abuse was from his parents. He faces a lot of emotional damage.
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